September 9, 2023, at 1:00 p.m
We invite you to a meeting with curator Michalina Sablik at the exhibition 'I Stand in Front of the Mirror Like a Dog and I Paint' featuring works by Maja Krysiak.

photo: Grzegorz Podsiadlik
‘I Stand in Front of the Mirror Like a Dog and I Paint’ is a solo exhibition by Maja Krysiak, a Krakow-based artist whose work revolves around figurative and surrealist painting. At the HOS Gallery, the artist will present her latest cycle, ‘Headless Giantesses’, which consists of large, austere canvases filled with figures of the eponymous heroines from the circus and the oneiric imaginarium. These figures become a metaphor for the artist’s liberation from the constraints of reason and a journey towards physicality, sincerity and emotional expression
The project is co-financed by the Capital City of Warsaw.
Free entrance