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"Between Layers" | curatorial tour | February 15, 2025, 5pm

HOS gallery

Join us for a guided tour of the exhibition “Between Layers”, during which the curator, Marianna Lomza, will give a broader overview of DINKA's works, which deal with the artist's constant transformation, search for her place and experience of double emigration.

DINKA, "Self-portrait with My Fear N1", 2024, watercolor on canvas, 50 x 33 cm , photo by Wojtek Szczerbetka

Her life has been marked by an imbalance, even fear, embodied in her works. They are proof of the acceptance of this emotion and its cold, suffocating embrace. Literally annihilating it and shaking it off in her latest works, the artist measures herself against anxiety.

Her creative process is constantly changing and evolving. She is now finding her way and methods to express art clearly. The main emotions driving her work are deep nostalgia and melancholy, which have been with her throughout her life. These emotions are also what most capture her attention and captivate her in art. Melancholy in the end, she says, is a sign of awareness, of feeling existence here and now. Creativity is ultimately like melancholy; it speaks of something that is no longer there.


"Between Layers"


Exhibition: January 25 – March 22, 2025

Curator: Marianna Lomza

The project is co-financed by the city of Warsaw


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