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opening of the exhibition "I can change, but I won't die" A. Vorobiova | K. Walendykiewicz

Join us today for the opening of the exhibition "I can change, but I won't die" featuring works by Kamila Walendykiewicz and Anastasiia Vorobiova (Jul. 11). We are watingit for you from 6 p.m.

on the left: Kamila Walendykiewicz, "Isomorphism", 2022, oil on canvas, 140 x 140 cm

on the right: Anastasiia Vorobiova, "Burned", video 3,23’

As digital natives constantly connected to the internet, overloaded with information and images coming from screens, we are one step away from an environmental disaster. In the technological rush we tend to overlook the voices that call for a change in the narrative of thinking about ecology in the era of digital culture. This important theme is raised by the exhibition I can change but I won't die, which comprises the practical part of Kamila Walendykiewicz’s diploma presentation and Anastasia Vorobiova’s Burned project.

The artists’ productions explore the themes of ecocriticism, ecocide, energy terrorism, and information noise. They share the disturbing diagnoses and their own fears in the language of art that truly conveys the horror of the world to which we belong.

link to the Facebook event


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