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Opening of Cieplechovic's exhibition "Five Poisons" | Jan 18, 2024 at 6 pm

We invite you to the opening of Cieplechovic's solo exhibition, in which the artist will present his latest works.

Cieplechovic, "5P-I", 2023, detail, 80x80 cm, courtesy of the artist

The eponymous ‘Five Poisons’, also known as 'mind defilements', are a fundamental concept in Buddhism. They refer to five harmful emotions that are the source of human suffering: desire, anger, pride, jealousy, and ignorance. According to Buddhism, the world around us is essentially neutral. Suffering doesn’t arise from it, but directly from our psyche, comprising several layers, with spirituality at its pinnacle. Cieplechovic finds answers to his pressing questions by delving into psychology and Buddhism. His work weaves these insights together, incorporating influences from medieval art, Christian symbolism, Carl G. Jung's analytical psychology, and concepts adopted from cultural anthropology literature.

The artist contends that for every poison, there is an antidote. The exhibition encourages introspection into our psyche and an examination of ourselves as a society, contemplating our emotional well-being. It suggests that the very mind that is capable of causing grief and suffering is also the source of enlightenment. Persistence and strength in the pursuit of self-knowledge, recognising the five poisons, cultivate a state of relaxation, peace, and an abundance of joy, tenderness, and empathy in the mind. 

curator: Katarzyna Piskorz

the project is co-financed by the city of Warsaw


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